Gardening Plant Problems

Why Tomatoes Split and 7 Simple Ways to Prevent It

Keep watering consistent to prevent cracks

splitting tomato on the vine

The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

It's not uncommon to see tomatoes splitting on the vine, which can happen at any stage—green or ripe. If you grow tomatoes, chances are you've watched your beautiful harvest ripen, only to find that the tomatoes you've been eyeing for your BLT have suddenly split overnight (don't worry, they're still edible!).

Learn why tomatoes split and what to do to prevent splits from happening.

Why Do Tomatoes Split?

harvesting split tomatoes
​The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

Simply put, tomatoes split either because of too much water or rapid fluctuations in water to the plant. When tomatoes go from a dry spell to heavy rain, the sudden abundance of water causes the insides of the tomatoes to grow faster than the outer skin, resulting in the tomatoes cracking.

While both forms of cracking potentially allow pests to enter the fruit or promote rot, concentric cracking is sometimes not severe.

If the cracking is superficial and does not expose the interior of the tomato, you can allow it to remain on the vine to ripen, but keep an eye on it. Green (young) tomatoes that split are more likely to rot before maturity than tomatoes that split at an older growth stage.

Splitting 101

There are two types of cracks on tomatoes: vertical splits, where the radial cracking extends from the top of the fruit to the bottom, and concentric splits (most common on large, heirloom tomatoes) where cracks form around the stem at the top of the fruit.

How to Prevent Tomatoes From Splitting

why do tomatoes split

Illustration: Katie Kerpel © The Spruce, 2018

Keeping your plants consistently moist helps prevent splitting. By minimizing the impact of a sudden rainstorm, your plants won't suffer the shock of excessive water after ongoing dry conditions.

You can't always prevent tomato splitting; a downpour dumps several inches of rain on your garden in a few hours, which may result in split tomatoes no matter what you do. But you can make it less likely that your tomatoes will split by doing the following:

  • Water regularly and deeply: Tomatoes need about an inch of water per week, so water your tomato plants every two to three days during the summer. (Finger test: Stick your index finger an inch into the soil. If it's moist, there's no need to water. If it's dry, give water.)
  • Water the base of the plant, not the leaves: When you water, target the base of the plant and avoid splashing soil on the leaves to prevent the spread of soil-borne diseases like blight and septoria leaf spots. Water deeply or use drip irrigation.
  • Pick tomatoes early. Tomatoes that have begun to change color will ripen on or off the vine, so harvest them before a storm and place them on a windowsill to complete the ripening process (A side benefit for early harvest: less chance of pests eating your fruit).
  • Mulch: Provide your plants with a two- to three-inch layer of organic mulch, such as straw, pine needles, or shredded bark. Mulch helps maintain consistent soil moisture levels, and you'll deal with less splitting.
  • Look for resistant varieties: Check the plant's label or seed catalog for types that resist splitting. Many hybrid varieties offer disease resistance and high productivity and are less prone to split.
  • Provide good drainage: Planting your tomatoes in raised beds or containers with drainage holes offers the best drainage for your plants if they experience a deluge. Both raised beds and containers drain well—make sure to use good, loose soil that doesn't compact. Because nutrients leech out of containers as the water drains, feed them with an organic fertilizer according to the directions on the label.
  • Fertilize correctly: Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer, and do not overfertilize your tomato plants. Specially formulated tomato fertilizers are high in phosphorus and potassium and low in nitrogen. Excess nitrogen causes fast growth and cracking.

What to Do When Tomatoes Split

closeup of a tomato split
​The Spruce / Adrienne Legault

If your tomatoes split, it's important to harvest them as quickly as possible. Split tomatoes are much more susceptible to rot and insect damage. To move unripe split tomatoes out of the reach of pests, ripen them indoors.

While you may be unable to avoid splitting completely, don't worry—in many cases, the tomatoes are still edible. Inspect them carefully for any signs of insects or rot, and toss any fruit that smells sour or oozes.

Don't eat the tomatoes if they are soft, which is an early sign of rotting. Split tomatoes won't store long, so eat or cook with them immediately to enjoy your garden efforts.

Split-Resistant Tomato Varieties

Selecting one of the tomatoes that growers and seed companies list as crack-resistant is a good starting point. However, there is no guarantee that even those tomatoes won't exhibit some splitting in unfavorable circumstances—you will still have to follow good tomato care practices to prevent splitting.

Split-resistant varieties include:

  • 'Big Beef' is an indeterminate hybrid beefsteak tomato. The large, beefy fruit weighs 10 to 12 ounces. 70 days to maturity
  • 'Big Boy' is an indeterminate, meaty, beefsteak tomato with fruit weighing up to one pound. 78 days to maturity
  • 'Box Car Willie' is an indeterminate heirloom variety. The smooth red tomatoes weigh 6 to 10 ounces. 80 days to maturity
  • 'Celebrity' is a determinate hybrid variety with smooth, round, bright red tomatoes weighing about 8 ounces. 72 days to maturity.
  • 'Jet Star' is an interminated hybrid with a compact growth habit. It yields consistent, globe-shaped fruit of 7 to 8 ounces. 70 days to maturity
  • 'Juliet' is an indeterminate hybrid with deep red, oblong. shiny fruits averaging 1.5 to 2 ounces. 60 days to maturity
  • 'Mortgage Lifter' is an indeterminate heirloom variety producing pink beefsteak tomatoes of 1 to 2 pounds. 80 days to maturity
  • 'Pruden's Purple' is an indeterminate heirloom tomato variety with flattened pink-purple fruit, many weighing over 1 pound. 65 days to maturity
  • 'Sun Gold' is an indeterminate hybrid orange cherry tomato with a sweet-tart flavor. 65 days to maturity
  • What causes tomatoes to rot on the bottom?

    Blossom-end rot is the name of the condition where the blossom end, or bottom, turns brown, black, or leathery. A calcium deficiency in the tomato causes this type of rot, and it's most often the result of inconsistent soil moisture.

  • Do cracks in tomatoes always mean I am overwatering?

    The combination of overwatering tomato plants after underwatering them is a potential cause of cracks on tomatoes but it's not the only one. Other causes could include soggy soil, calcium deficiency, over-ripening, and too much sun.

  • What deficiency causes tomato fruit cracking?

    Calcium deficiency in the soil is a cause of tomato cracking. Using tomato fertilizer increases the calcium level in the soil.

  • Why do some tomatoes split after picking?

    Tomatoes can split after picking if they've over ripened—but, don't worry, they're still good to eat!

Originally written by
Colleen Vanderlinden

Colleen Vanderlinden is an organic gardening expert. She wrote the books Edible Gardening for the Midwest and Vegetable Gardening for the Midwest, and her writing has appeared in Mother Earth News, Northern Gardener, The Detroit News, and Birds & Blooms.

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  1. What Causes Tomatoes to Crack. North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension.

  2. Tomato, Fruit Cracking. University of Massachusetts Amherst.