How to Treat Brown Patch Fungus in Your Lawn

Common Causes and the Best Fixes for Landscaping

brown patch disease on lawn

The Spruce / K. Dave

In This Article
Project Overview
  • Working Time: 1 - 3 hrs
  • Total Time: 1 hr - 1 day
  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Estimated Cost: $10 to $200

Fungal infections can cause brown, dead patches on your lawn. Brown patch fungus is caused by Rhizoctonia solani. The fungus often appears in mid to late summer in hot and humid weather. Brown patch is a foliar disease, meaning it harms the blades of grass but not the plant's crown or root system.

Rhizoctonia can affect any cool-season lawn grass but is especially harmful to ryegrass and tall fescue. Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescues can occasionally be affected, but the damage is usually minimal. Brown patch fungus can affect warm-season grasses, including St. Augustine grass and zoysiagrass.

Causes of Brown Patches in Lawns

  • Brown patch fungus: The main factors causing this fungus are excessive nitrogen and irrigation, lack of air movement, poor soil drainage, excessive thatch, and compacted soils. It can strike lush, green lawns and poorly maintained lawns. Sometimes, improving environmental problems, such as increasing air circulation, may be enough to eradicate a fungal issue. For persistent problems, you might need to move on to a fungicide and reseed with fungal-resistant varieties of grasses. 
  • Grubs: Grubs eat grass roots, leading to small brown patches that widen into more prominent spots. Walking over grass patches affected by grubs feels sponge-like and is easily raked up because the roots are damaged. Treat the grubs with insecticide in the spring and reseed the grass in the fall.
  • Excessive thatch: Grass not adequately watered, fed, or mowed can accumulate dead and decaying plant material between the plant leaf blades and the root system. Sometimes, grass tries to grow roots in the thatch, but since it can't hold water, the plants dry out and cause brown spots. Dethatch and aerate the lawn to fix this problem.
  • Pet urine: Dog urine burns are caused by its high amount of nitrogen. It appears like brown centers and dark green outer rings. Water deeply to wash away the salts in the urine, aerate the spot to encourage new grass to grow, reseed the spot, or use a dog urine lawn treatment product.
  • Foot traffic and leaving objects on the grass: A lot of foot traffic, like playing football or soccer or leaving a baby pool out for more than a few hours, can be enough to kill grass and leave brown patches over the lawn. Remove objects each day from the lawn. Also, consider playing on the lawn in different spots or lessening the frequency so grass can recover from foot traffic damage.

Common Seasons for Brown Patch Fungus

Grass fungus usually does not go away on its own. It’s also easy to spread fungus via foot traffic and grass clippings, so immediate treatment is important. Begin brown patch control in the spring with aeration and dethatching. Apply fungicide when the fungal patches appear (usually mid to late summer). Reseed with different grass species by over-seeding over several fall seasons. For quicker results, eliminate the old turf grasses in spring and reseed them immediately.

The Rhizoctonia fungus may be present in the soil for some time before it manifests as brown patch disease. The fungus overwinters in the lawn grass or soil beneath in the form of fungal bodies known as sclerotia, and it can survive for years until conditions are right.

Rhizoctonia is most likely to cause brown patches during periods of high temperature and high humidity in mid to late summer when night-time temperatures remain above 68 degrees Fahrenheit and daytime temperatures are routinely in the 80s or above. Periods of rainy weather when the air is saturated with moisture may also prompt the disease to emerge.


Fungicide powders and sprays are typically less toxic to pets and humans than herbicides and pesticides. Still, some are known to irritate the eyes or throat. More severe health problems are possible for individuals who repeatedly use fungicides or have high exposure.

What You'll Need

Equipment / Tools

  • Bow rake or dethatcher
  • Lawn aerator (can be rented)
  • Pressure sprayer


  • Lawn fungicide (if needed)
  • Fungus-resistant grass seed (if needed)


How to Treat Brown Patch Fungus on Lawns

Eradicating brown patch disease may not require all of the following steps. You can stop work when the efforts show results. The time and effort required will depend entirely on the severity and persistence of the fungus—minor problems may be very easy to solve, while combatting widespread infestation can be a year-long endeavor. Always try to control brown patch fungus by adjusting cultural practices before reaching for chemical fungicides.

  1. Diagnose the Disease

    Look for the following signs to determine if the brown patches are fungal in nature. They will be the most visible in the morning.

    • Brownish-yellow irregular circular patches in the lawn ranging from 6 inches to several feet in diameter.
    • Lesions on upright leaves that are tan and irregular in shape with a dark brown border.
    • White, cottony mycelium on dew-covered turf early in the morning.
    • Entirely dead grass within a ring, causing the area to appear sunken into the ground.
    • Patches of grass that are still green but thinner than the surrounding lawn.
    brown patch fungus ring

    The Spruce / K. Dave

  2. Improve Air Circulation

    Many cases of brown patches can be cured simply by improving air circulation in the lawn. This reduces the humidity that favors the fungus. The best way to do this is to aerate and dethatch the lawn annually.

    Dethatching can be done manually, with a stiff bow rake or dethatching rake, or with power equipment available for lease at home centers and tool rental outlets. Aeration is usually done with a power rental tool or a hired professional lawn service.

    Lawn aeration taking place with rake

    The Spruce / Ana Cadena

  3. Change Cultural Practices

    Reduce feeding of your lawn and make sure you're watering appropriately. Brown patch fungus thrives in wet, fertile conditions, so respond by adjusting your fertilization and irrigation practices accordingly.

    Avoid feeding your lawn during hot and humid weather, and reduce the fertilizer used. Fertilizer manufacturers often recommend repeated heavy feedings, but your lawn is often healthier with just one or two light feedings each year.

    Watering is probably unnecessary if you are getting 1 inch of rainfall per week. If you do water, do it early in the day so the grass can dry out thoroughly before nightfall. If dew is collecting on your lawn each morning, your lawn probably does not need to be irrigated. You can remove condensation by dragging a water hose over the lawn, lowering the humidity that causes brown patch disease.

    Too much fertilizer being added to lawn

    The Spruce / K. Dave

  4. Apply Fungicide

    Lawn care experts say fungicide treatment is appropriate for high-value ryegrass and bentgrass turf blends; most lawns typically recover without chemical treatments.

    Spray the first treatment immediately after the symptoms, especially if hot and humid weather is expected. Although homeowners can purchase fungicides, it's best to deal with a lawn care company staffed by professionals trained to diagnose and treat lawn diseases.

    As with any chemical application, spot-treat diseased areas first rather than apply chemicals broadly over the entire lawn.

    Crabgrass herbicide

    BanksPhotos / Getty Images

  5. Reseed With Resistant Grass Varieties

    Where all other efforts fail, you may need to reseed with a turfgrass variety that has known resistance to this fungus. A variety of grasses are available with moderate resistance to the Rhizoctonia fungus. If a brown patch is an annual occurrence, consider top-seeding your lawn with resistant grasses. Check with your local university extension service for recommendations for resistant grass species.

    Seeding bare spot in lawn

    tab1962/Getty Images


The best way to prevent brown patch fungus is to keep your grass healthy. Aerate your lawn annually, water it in the early hours to allow it to dry out, mow regularly, and avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers.

  • How do I treat brown patches on my lawn?

    Although there can be several reasons for brown patches on lawns, they all have one thing in common: dead grass on top. Remove the dead layer, treat the cause of the brown patch, and reseed if necessary.

  • Will grass recover from brown patch?

    Grass can recover from brown patches, but it can take some time. Depending on when it occurs, you might need to wait until the next growing season for reseeding to take hold.

  • How do I get rid of brown patch fungus on my lawn naturally?

    Spray a solution of water mixed with a couple of pinches of baking soda and a few drops of vegetable oil on the spot. Reapply this spray every three days. Do not add a lot of baking soda since it can raise the soil's alkalinity. Another solution is to spray neem oil on the spot, repeating as necessary until it disappears.

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  1. Brown Patch, Yellow Patch, and other Rhizoctonia Leaf and Sheath Spot Diseases of Turfgrass. University of Massachusetts Amherst Extension.

  2. Potential health effects of pesticides. Pennsylvania State University Extension.